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What does a psychiatrist do for depression? 

What does a psychiatrist do for depression? 


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What does a psychiatrist do for depression?

Do you find yourself constantly stressed out, all alone? Are you unable to deal with the challenges of everyday life? Do you find it difficult to overcome your depression on your own? If so, you’re not crazy, and seeing a psychiatrist can be a great benefit. The psychiatrist have specialized training in detecting and treating depression and other mental health disorders

What does a psychiatrist do for depression? The initial role of a psychiatrist is to diagnose the depressive illness. He can offer you medicine or provide counseling. Some psychiatrists are also trained to provide psychotherapy for depressive illness.

In this article, we will cover the scope of the work of psychiatrists in the context of depressive illness

Diagnosing and Assessing a Depressive Episode

Although there is no diagnostic test for proper diagnosis of depressive disorders. The psychiatrist can make the diagnosis of depression on the basis of history and the patient’s symptoms. Depression has a set pattern of symptoms. Some are physical symptoms and some are psychological. There is a certain criterion. To label a person depressed, the psychiatrist has to complete the minimum criteria. The main components of the criteria are sadness, lack of enjoyment, fatigue, weight loss, etc

Exploring the Causes of Depression

The psychiatrist views depressive disorders as multifactorial. This means there is no single etiological factor for mood disorder. There is an interplay of multiple factors.

Biological perspective

From the biological perspective, the psychiatrist can examine the genetic predisposition. This can be done by taking a detailed family history. The physical health of the patient also contributes to depression.

Psychological perspective

From a psychological perspective does psychiatrist can explore the patterns of thinking. Personality, previous dramas, and coping mechanism also contribute to the development of depression

Social perspective

From a social perspective, the psychiatrist examines the relationship of the patient with the family and the environment. He also considers various factors in the environment such as workplace conditions, financial strains, and relationship difficulties.

He has to analyze all these domains to get a better understanding of the situation. There is a strong interplay of the above factors. Physical health can contribute to psychological stressors. The psychological stresses can lead to relationship difficulties and vice versa.

Differentiating depression symptoms from those of other medical conditions

Another important task of a psychiatrist is to differentiate the symptoms of depressive disorders from those of other medical conditions. This is extremely important. Most of the symptoms of depression are similar to the symptoms of other medical conditions. Most depressed patients complain of fatigue, lethargy, headache, or shoulder pain. These physical symptoms can be due to a medical illness. if this is the case, a liaison with medical doctors, or family physicians is the obligation of a psychiatrist. this is the ethical practice of a medical professional.  

The psychiatrist can differentiate the symptoms on the basis of a detailed history and physical examination. If necessary he can prescribe some laboratory investigations. Just remember mental health conditions can overlap with medical conditions

Screening for Suicide Risk

This is a highly important and sensitive task for a psychiatrist to deal with in the case of depression. If the person is suffering from severe depressive illness it is very likely to have suicidal thoughts. Whether the patient says it or not, this has to be assessed. 

The patients who have a strong plan for suicide, usually don’t discuss it in the initial clinical interviews. However, they may show some warning signs. The psychiatrist should be vigilant to catch these signs. the medical school should also teach these warning signs to primary care doctor.

Screening for Bipolar Disorder

Sometimes the depressive episodes are not just depression. These can be the depressive phase of bipolar illness. If the patient is presenting with the symptoms of depression at present, the psychiatrist has to retrospectively assess the details of bipolar episodes if any.

Treatment for depression; Devising a Plan 

To develop a treatment plan of prime importance for a psychiatrist. Not all patients with major depression need similar treatment. For patients with mild depression, there is no need for medicine or advanced psychotherapy. Just counseling self-help and lifestyle modifications are sufficient. On the other hand, severe cases of depression require both psychotherapy and medicines.

The Use of Different Types of Therapies to Treat Depression Symptoms

Psychotherapies are structured psychological interventions that have a proper scientific basis. These are not just motivation or uttering some good quotes. The psychiatrist who is also trained to provide psychotherapy can help the patient with these interventions. For depression, cognitive therapy and interpersonal psychotherapy are the most commonly used psychological interventions. Not all mental health professionals can provide these psychological interventions. For a psychiatrist to apply psychotherapy he must have additional training in that psychotherapy.

Managing Antidepressant Medications

Treating depression with the help of medicines is the main area of work for a psychiatrist. For moderate to severe depression the use of antidepressants is required.

There are various forms of antidepressants available. Most antidepressants have almost similar therapeutic effects. However, they differ very much in their side effect profile.

The most commonly used depressions are SSRIs, SNRIs, tricyclics, etc. For agitated depression, mood stabilizers have also a good role in improving daily life

The common responsibilities of a psychiatrist regarding medicine are as follows

  • To choose the best possible medicine according to the diagnosis and physical health of a patient
  • To titrate the dose of psychotropic medication
  • To monitor the side effects of the prescription medication
  • To roughly calculate the duration of medicine and guide the patient accordingly
  • To avoid the combination of medications if possible

Providing Support for Family Members and Caregivers of People with Depression

Providing support for family members and other caregivers is also an important task for a psychiatrist. In fact, the family can play a vital role in the treatment plan of a depressed patient. Some attitudes and the behavior of family can have positive as well as negative impacts. Such as frequent criticism can badly impact the outcome. On the other hand, families can improve treatment adherence.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are a few FAQs about what a psychiatrist does for depression.

Does a psychiatrist help with depression?

Yes, the

What are the symptoms that you need from a psychiatrist?

If you are facing these symptoms of depression you need to consult a psychiatrist

  • feelings of sadness or depressed mood
  • Anhedonia or lack of enjoyment
  • Decreased memory
  • Fatigue, lethargy, body pains, headache
  • Decreased libido
  • Frequent negative thoughts
  • Suicide and death wish

How do psychiatrists treat clinical depression?

Clinical depression means that symptoms of depression are severe enough to affect the daily functioning of a person. Psychiatrists treat clinical depression through a combination of psychotherapy, medication management, and lifestyle recommendations.

How do psychiatrists know if you have depression?

There are various ways that psychiatrists use to evaluate the depression patients

  • Observation; depressed look, downward gaze, weeping during an interview
  • Asking questions about symptoms of depression
  • Applying structured diagnostic scales

How long does it take for a psychiatrist to diagnose you?

In most cases, the psychiatrist can diagnose depression in a single interview. In other cases, multiple interviews are required. This is usually due to the presence of other comorbid conditions

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