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Does Kesimpta Cause Depression | Mental Health For Us

Does Kesimpta Cause Depression


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Does Kesimpta Cause Depression


This article aims to discuss does Kesimpta causes depression. Does Kesimpta Cause Depression? Kesimpta (Ofatumumab) is widely used to treat autoimmune conditions. Particularly relapsing multiple sclerosis (MS). It is classified as a disease-modifying therapy (DMT), reduces MS relapses (flare-ups or exacerbations) and disability. Kesimpta is FDA-approved for adults with relapsing MS, including relapsing-remitting MS (RRMS) and active secondary progressive MS (SPMS) with relapses. A healthcare provider or patient administers it as a subcutaneous injection.

Does Kesimpta Cause Depression?

Although depression is not a side effect of Kesimpta, it is important to be aware of its potential mental health effects. Kesimpta treats certain types of MS with a prescription. It reduces disease activity by targeting immune system cells.

Kesimpta weakens the immune system and lowers immunoglobulins, which fight infections. These effects can increase infection and other risks.

The effects of these serious side effects on mental health, including depression, are unknown. However, Kesimpta users should monitor their mental health and seek medical attention if they experience depression or other mood or behavior changes.

Discuss any mental health changes you notice while taking Kesimpta with your doctor. They can assess your symptoms and recommend a treatment plan to improve your health. Prioritize your mental health and communicate with your doctor to get the right care while using Kesimpta.

Kesimpta Side Effects: What They Are and How to Manage

Some common side effects of Kesimpta should known. Side effects vary in severity and may include:

1. Injection site reactions: Redness, pain, or swelling. Applying a cold compress before and after the injection and taking over-the-counter painkillers can help.

2. Upper respiratory tract infections: Kesimpta may increase respiratory infections. Handwashing, avoiding sick people, and using hand sanitizers can help manage this. A doctor should consulted immediately if symptoms persist.

3. Headache: Side effects may include headaches. Rest, hydration, and over-the-counter pain medications approved by a doctor may help manage this side effect.

4. Fatigue: Kesimpta often causes fatigue. To boost energy, people should get enough rest, eat well, and exercise regularly.

5. Flu-like symptoms: Fever, chills, body aches, and malaise. These symptoms can be managed with rest, hydration, and over-the-counter painkillers. If symptoms worsen, see a doctor.

Kesimpta side effects must be reported to a doctor for proper treatment. For Example Healthcare professionals can tailor advice to each patient’s response to the medication.

Mental Health Outcomes of Kesimpta

Patients’ mental health must be considered when considering Kesimpta. Although Kesimpta and mental health studies are scarce, treatment may cause certain mental health symptoms or conditions.

Possible mental health outcome: depression. Kesimpta may cause depression in some patients, though this is not a common side effect. However,Depression can cause persistent sadness, loss of interest in activities, appetite and sleep changes, and worthlessness.

Healthcare providers must aware of mental health effects and openly discuss changes with patients. Patients should also encouraged to monitor their mental health and seek medical attention for any concerns.

Like any medication, not all patients will have negative mental health outcomes. Kesimpta treatment has physical side effects, so holistic health and mental health must prioritized.

Healthcare providers should stay vigilant and support patients taking Kesimpta while more research is done to determine its full impact on mental health.


This article reviewed Does Kesimpta Cause Depression. We observed that Kesimpta (Ofatumumab) is an effective multiple sclerosis treatment, according to the studies. Kesimpta has improved disease management and quality of life more than other treatments. Although depression is not a side effect of Kesimpta, it is important to be aware of its potential mental health effects.

Healthcare providers must be aware of mental health effects and openly discuss changes with patients. Patients should also encouraged to monitor their mental health and seek medical attention for any concerns.


Does KESIMPTA make you feel better?

Kesimpta treats autoimmune diseases like multiple sclerosis. It focuses on managing disease symptoms and progression to improve well-being for some people.Addionally, the effectiveness and feeling of it vary by person. Kesimpta may help you feel better, but you should talk to a doctor first.

Which is better, Ocrevus or KESIMPTA?

Ocrevus or Kesimpta treatment depends on patient preferences and characteristics. No one “better” option exists because what works for each person is different. Both drugs have pros and cons. Consult with a healthcare professional to assess your situation and help you choose a treatment.

What are the worsening symptoms of KESIMPTA?

Kesimpta treats autoimmune diseases but it may have side effects like any medication. Kesimpta can worsen infections, low white blood cell counts, and infusion reactions. Before starting this treatment, discuss side effects and concerns with your doctor.

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